Certification Program Updates

Instant Access: Print Your Certificate(s)


No more waiting for the mail to arrive to receive your renewed HSPA certificate! When your renewal is complete, you will have instant access to print the same document you used to wait for by mail, saving you valuable time and energy.

As of January 1, 2024, HSPA is no longer mailing copies of renewal certificates.

HSPA works hard to keep your renewal and exam rates as low as possible, while maintaining our high standards of service. Due to soaring printing and mailing costs, we have had to explore timelier and more cost-effective options for those renewing. The switch to digital, printable certificates was the most effective solution that not only allows for more convenient and immediate access to your renewed certificates, but also helps fulfill HSPA’s quest for controlling costs and fostering environmental stewardship.

Instant Verification: Verify Online

As soon as your renewal is processed, you may also verify your certification status by visiting https://verify.myHSPA.org. If you provide your HSPA ID number to your supervisor/manager/HR Department, they may verify your status and expiration date online as well.

Printing Instructions

To print copies of your certificate(s) at any time using the HSPA online certification portal, please follow the instructions below:

  • Sign in and access your account at https://mycertification.myHSPA.org
  • Click the link to “View/Renew my Certification (Submit Payment and CEs)”
  • Click the link to “Print” on the right-hand side of the page
  • As long as your certification is current and in good standing, you will be able to print a PDF copy of your certificate for your records
  • You will see a separate Print link for each certification you hold


Need Assistance? If you need any assistance logging in or accessing your account and certificate, please email certification@myHSPA.org.

Test Security Updates: Image Capture


As of September 1, 2024, all individuals taking exams with HSPA will be required to have their photograph taken at the Prometric testing centers before they are permitted to test, as part of the check in process. These photographs will only be used by HSPA for verification and will not be used for any further purposes. Failure to comply with this mandatory requirement will result in the forfeiture of your exam and any fees paid.

Application Updates: HR Verification


HSPA selects a random sampling of all exam applications for further verification and review of the hours of experience submitted. Individuals whose applications are selected for auditing may be asked to submit additional verification, such as a letter from HR confirming employment and/or volunteer status with the facility.