HSPA Fellowship Program

HSPA Fellowship Program

The HSPA Fellowship Program was developed to give recognition to the competence of its members and provide them with a measure of achievement that is meaningful to those beyond the Sterile Processing profession. Fellowship status is one of the highest honors professional organizations can bestow upon their members. As such, HSPA Fellowship is an honorable distinction that must be earned through hard work, a commitment to professional advancement, and a desire to raise the bar as both an HSPA member and a contributor to the Sterile Processing field.



The HSPA Fellowship Program enables members to apply for Fellowship status by demonstrating knowledge, commitment and professional advancement in the Sterile Processing (SP) profession. Fellowship is considered based upon completion of a research paper on a topic pertinent to the SP profession. Those who earn Fellowship status will receive the highly regarded FELLOW CENTRAL SERVICE (FCS) designation after their name.

Performing SP-related duties safely, consistently and in accordance with industry standards, guidelines, best practices, internal policies and procedures, and manufacturers’ instructions for use requires competent, well-trained and skilled SP technicians. Not only must these professionals commit to continuing education and professional development, they must remain focused on delivering consistent, high-quality customer service and doing what’s right in the name of patient safety—for every instrument, surgical case and patient.

Upon award of Fellowship, all papers and submitted materials become the property of HSPA and will not be returned. Papers may not be changed or altered in any way without the express written permission of HSPA.


There are THREE MAIN REQUIREMENTS to apply for fellowship with HSPA:


Must be an active member in good standing for at least five years and hold the Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) designation


Must have responsibility for the direction of a Sterile Processing department (SPD) of a healthcare facility or have an interest by virtue of practice


Must submit a detailed, well-researched, referenced and well-written paper on a topic pertinent to the SP profession, such as processes or practices that led to targeted, quantifiable improvements within an SPD or facility; a curriculum vitae; and two professional letters of recommendation.

  1. Education, including degrees and certifications
  2. Employment experience as it relates to the SP field
  3. Membership affiliations, including years of membership, committees, services, membership activities, etc.
  4. Professional development, including industry presentations, articles written, awards received, and other activities that promote the SP profession


Fellowship renewal is required at FIVE-YEAR INTERVALS.

You must meet THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA to maintain your FCS status with HSPA:


Hold CRCST certification with HSPA for the full five-year Fellowship renewal period


Maintain an active HSPA membership with dues paid in full


Sixty (60) continuing education (CE) credits must be accumulated over a five-year period and at least 30 CE credits must be from programs and seminars sponsored by HSPA. The remaining 30 CE credits may be obtained from other program sources (i.e., local chapter, area or state-sponsored programs or other quality educational programs). Note: These CE credits are not in addition to those needed to maintain CRCST status, and can be used for maintenance of both CRCST certification and FCS status.

Failure to meet the preceding criteria for maintaining one’s Fellowship will cause a member to lose their Fellowship status. If Fellowship is not fulfilled, the entire program must be reinstated. For more information, Email HSPA.


Submit the following to HSPA headquarters:

  • Fellowship application
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Research paper topic and detailed outline

The Fellowship Committee will review the application and research paper outline. The candidate will be contacted regarding the next steps in the Fellowship process.

Submit a cover letter and final research paper to the Fellowship Committee.*

The Fellowship Committee reviews the final research paper.

If the final research paper is approved by the Committee, the applicant will sit for an interview with the Fellowship Committee during the HSPA Annual Conference to demonstrate knowledge of the information presented in their research paper. Fellowship status is officially granted upon successful completion of the interview.

*Applications and research papers must be submitted to HSPA by Dec. 31 of each year to be considered for acceptance at the next year’s HSPA Annual Conference. Research papers that are submitted by Dec. 31 but require revisions, as directed by the Fellowship Committee will need to be finalized and approved by the Fellowship Committee by March 1 to be considered for acceptance at next year’s HSPA Annual Conference.


Fellowship applications are currently closed.



  • Mark Duro, CRCST, FCS
  • Sharon Greene-Golden, CRCST, FCS
  • Ebow Holdbrook-Smith, CRCST, CIS, CER, CHL, FCS
  • Becki Jenkins, CRCST, CIS, CHL, FCS
  • Susan Klacik, ACE, CRCST, CHL, CIS, FCS
  • Natalie Lind, CRCST, CHL, FCS
  • Joyce Matthews, CRCST, FCS
  • Robert Mood, CRCST, FCS
  • Cory Nestman, ACE, CRCST, CHL, FCS
  • Delores O’Connell, CRCST, CIS, CER, CHL, FCS
  • Mary Olivera, CRCST, CHL, FCS
  • Karen Owens, CRCST, CHL, CIS, FCS
  • Lori Patterson, CRCST, CHL, CIS, FCS
  • Brenda (Jan) Prudent, CRCST, CIS, CER, CHL, FCS
  • Cheron Rojo, CRCST, CIS, CER, CHL, FCS
  • Jean Sargent, ACE, CHL, CRCST, FCS
  • Richard Schule, CRCST, CHL, CHMMC, CIS, FCS
  • Erle Shepard, CRCST, CHL, CHMMC, CIS, FCS
  • Ray Taurasi, ACE, CRCST, CHL, FCS
  • Anthony Thurmond, CRCST, CIS, CHL, FCS