HSPA Committees

HSPA offers a wide range of committees, each focused on sharing information, advancing knowledge and increasing professionalism within the Sterile Processing (SP) community. Committees offer HSPA members opportunities to actively participate in the Association and help steer current and future developments for HSPA, its membership and the collective SP profession.



The HSPA Bylaws/Parliamentarian Committee members work alongside the Board of Directors to review existing bylaws, research, gather information and rewrite bylaws as necessary to better serve the current needs of the Association and its membership. Once written and approved, bylaws and revisions are presented to HSPA’s membership for a vote.


The HSPA Corporate Advisory Committee (CAC) assists in the planning and implementation of the Annual HSPA Conference & Expo. The seven corporate members on this committee each commit to a three-year term.


The role of the HSPA Nominating Committee is to nominate eligible candidates for office within the Association. This committee is responsible for nominating those who will continue to uphold the Association’s bylaws and standards to ensure that established goals and priorities are met.


The Past Presidents Advisory Committee assists in the development of the Annual Conference, helps publicize the work of HSPA through active participation in various marketing initiatives, and develops opportunities for HSPA Past Presidents to participate and serve on various committees. Members actively support the current President and Executive Board, review submissions for the Past President’s Award, and assist in resolving critical issues that may arise.


The Chapter Committee represents the interests of HSPA’s chapters and defines their role and function within the Association. This is done by: promoting communication among chapters; working closely with the HSPA Board of Directors to ensure chapters’ needs are being met; developing resources to support chapters; ensuring all chapters are represented by participating in a joint Board of Directors and chapter meeting during the annual HSPA Conference; and monitoring chapter activities and recharter submissions. The Chapter Committee also approves HSPA’s Nominating Committee members.



HSPA’s Advocacy Committee works diligently to advocate for SP professionals nationwide and educate elected officials on the SP discipline’s vital contributions to safe, high-quality care and positive patient outcomes.

State-required certification of SP technicians is a leading priority and the Committee provides targeted education to state legislators, other elected officials, the media and general community about how the certification of SP technicians can help promote safe, effective, standards-based management of medical and surgical instrumentation.


The primary responsibility of the Awards Committee is to actively promote and market the awards process to the HSPA membership and then use eligibility requirements and criteria to select annual award recipients.


Fellowship is an honorable distinction that must be earned through hard work, a commitment to professional advancement, and a desire to raise the bar as both an HSPA member and a contributor to the SP field. HSPA’s Fellowship Committee helps guide prospective Fellows through the process by providing clear criteria regarding Fellowship requirements; reviewing Fellowship paper topics and outlines; mentoring applicants and offering valuable feedback; and selecting individuals for Fellowship based on set criteria and requirements.