Discussion Forum

Interact with Your Peers Anywhere, Anytime

As an HSPA member, you receive access to our online discussion forum, where you can create a posting in designated Sterile Processing categories. Then, others can reply on that topic, offer advice, provide guidance on standards, or share their experiences around a shared interest. The new and improved Discussion Forum will launch in early January 2022





The purpose of the HSPA Discussion Forum is to engage in friendly and professional discussions with your colleagues and to share knowledge about Sterile Processing issues on a peer-to-peer basis. The Discussion Forum is not to be construed as an “Ask the Expert” platform, and technical questions should first be addressed to the device and product manufacturers’ instructions, AAMI standards and other professional guidelines, federal and state regulations, and hospital policies and procedures.

Access to the Discussion Forum is an exclusive benefit of HSPA members. Those without membership cannot view or post content in the Discussion Forum. If your HSPA membership lapses or has been discontinued, your forum posts will remain, but you will no longer have access to view or edit them.


Discussions, opinions, and debates are welcomed, however, keep your posts focused on the ideas you are trying to communicate. Be respectful of others when interacting within the forum.

Discussion Forum participants must adhere to the following guidelines to keep the discussions professional and friendly for all users at all times. Under no circumstances will any of the following be tolerated or considered permissible within this forum:

  • Advertising is not permissible
  • Insulting, threatening, provoking, attacking, or bullying another forum user is strictly prohibited
  • Do not break any laws, including breach of copyright, defamation, condoning or promoting illegal activity, and contempt of court, by making posts that could affect the outcome of an impending court action
  • Do not impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organization
  • Spamming is not allowed in any context

Please note: Violations will either be edited or removed completely from the site, and violators are subject to denial of admittance for any infraction, at the discretion of Discussion Forum moderators.


Moderators are monitoring the discussion forum. If posts are discovered to be in violation of the Rules and Regulations, the moderators have the right to remove part or all of your post without warning.

This website is private property. HSPA reserves the right to delete any post or ban any user for any reason whatsoever, even if not specifically covered in these guidelines. By proceeding beyond the login page you agree to abide by these rules and the terms and conditions of this forum.

All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of HSPA Discussion Forum nor MemberSuite (developers of the Forum Platform) will be held responsible for the content of any message.