Oklahoma Central Service Association
About Us
Board of Directors
Message from the President
OCSA was reborn with an organizational meeting sponsored by STERIS Corp on October 19, 2007. Officer positions were filed by volunteers that showed an interest as follows; President – Joan Gilman – Foundation for Surgery Center, President-elect – Kathryn Opalka – Deaconess Hospital, Secretary – Pam Schlageter – Integris Southwest Medical Center, and Treasurer Amy Shortt – St. Anthony’s Hospital.
As we worked toward the official formation under IAHCSMM (now HSPA) guidelines we lost Joan as President and Kathryn took over. Catherine Hawkins – Integris Southwest Medical Center stepped forward to take the position of President-elect. This board took the reins and was the driving force behind the re-formation of our chapter. We held our first Education and Business Meeting on July 26, 2008 at St. Anthony’s Hospital which was well attended by 80 plus members.
December 06, 2008 at Integris Baptist Medical Center our second meeting was held with an increase of attendees and vendors who displayed their products and services for viewing. As we went into our 3rd meeting on July 11, 2009 we realized with only a small core group and the cost and work involved, it was getting harder to do two meetings a year. So it was decided on by the membership to hold only one meeting a year due to costs and time constraints of Members and Vendors during this downturn in the economy. At the meeting we elected the following officers for a 2 year term: Secretary – Susan Underwood – Stillwater Medical Center, Treasurer – Linda Schultz – Stillwater Medical Center.
Just after the first of 2010, Cathy Hawkins stepped down from her position as President-elect due to health issues, and Clinton (Brad) O’Dell – OU Medical Center, was appointed to serve out her position. As the board once again worked toward setting up our 4th Annual Meeting on June 5, 2010 we had growing pains with the need for more room for the membership and the vendors. We were able to meet at the Conference Center on The OU Medical Campus. This year we elected for a 2 year term, President – Brad O’Dell and President-elect Tim Neuhauser – St. Francis. It was with a great deal of sentiment I opened the final Business Meeting, I could not express how grateful I was to have had the learning experience and opportunity to preside over the re-formation of OCSA. I can only now think back and realize how very important an organization such as OCSA is to the betterment and success of each and every one of us in Sterile Processing. As we hone our skills and bring new information back to our departments and facilities, we continue to show our professionalism and desire to do the very best for our customers.
OCSA continues to grow under the guidance of an expanded board with many dedicated members and vendors who are always willing to share and teach.
Kathryn M. Opalka, RN CNOR
Deaconess Hospital
SPD Lead Nurse
Past President of OCSA