Certification Program: Confidentiality

HSPA is a not-for-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors. The Board has established the Certification Council, and granted authority to the Certification Council, to independently make essential decisions related to standards, policies, and procedures of the certification program. These decisions are made independently of, and under no influence by, any other individual or business entity within or outside of HSPA.


  1. The Certification Council is committed to protecting confidential and/or proprietary information related to applicants, candidates, certification holders, and examination development, maintenance, and administration process. The confidentiality policy applies to all HSPA Board members, employees, Certification Council members, committee members, contractors, and other individuals who are permitted access to confidential information.
  2. Information about applicants/candidates/certification holders and their examination results are considered confidential and may not be disclosed, divulged, or made accessible. Exam scores and/or other confidential information will be released only to the individual candidate unless a signed release is provided or as required by law. Personal information submitted by applicants/candidates/certification holders with an application or recertification application is considered confidential. Personal information retained within the candidate’s/certification holder’s database will be kept confidential.
  3. Information related to the development, administration and maintenance of the examination is considered confidential.
  4. Confidential materials include but are not limited to: an individual’s application status, personal applicant/candidate/certification holder information, exam development documentation (including job analysis reports, technical reports, and cut score studies), exam items and answers, exam forms, and individual exam scores.
  5. HSPA and the Certification Council will not disclose confidential applicant/candidate/certification holder information unless authorized in writing by the individual or as required by law. If HSPA is required by law to disclose confidential information, the individual(s) whose information is released will be notified to the extent permitted by law.

The Director of Certification maintains a database of all active applicants and certification holders. The online verification system will be promptly updated to reflect individuals whose certification has expired or has been suspended or revoked.

The names of certified individuals and their certification status are not considered confidential and will be published by HSPA in the online verification system. The HSPA headquarters office will also verify certification status upon request—information released will include the certification holder’s name, certification effective and expiration dates, certification type, and certification status (certified or not certified.)

HSPA will not release further details of your certification(s)—such as exam scores or the number of exam attempts—without your prior written consent. In order to verify your certification through HSPA, online or in writing, the requesting party must have your full name and HSPA ID number. HSPA will not release your ID number without your consent; employers or other prospective parties would need to obtain that information directly from you.

Upon becoming certified, and with every annual renewal, you will be issued a certificate for each certification you hold. The certificate(s) will detail the scope and dates of your certification(s) and can be used as a primary source document to verify your certification.




Aggregate exam statistics (including the number of exam candidates, pass/fail rates, and total number of certification holder(s) will be publicly available. Aggregate exam statistics, studies and reports concerning candidates/certification holders will contain no information identifiable with any candidate unless authorized in writing by the candidate.


Access to confidential information will be limited to those individuals who require access in order to perform necessary work related to the certification program. Access will be granted in compliance with the provisions of the security policy. HSPA Board members, employees, Certification Council members, committee members, contractors, and other individuals will use confidential information solely for the purpose of performing services for HSPA.

This policy is not intended to prevent disclosure where disclosure is required by law.


Applicants for certification will be required to read and acknowledge a confidentiality statement as part of the application process.