Certification is required to work in Sterile Processing in these states:
Connecticut | Delaware | New Jersey New York | Pennsylvania | Tennessee
Through the Advocacy department, HSPA maintains one clear voice to create legislative/regulatory changes to ensure every patient has an educated, certified Sterile Processing (SP) technician responsible for reprocessing his or her instruments. HSPA’s dedicated and focused advocacy efforts for required certification of SP technicians promote quality healthcare, reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections, and ensure successful patient care.
Certification is required to work in Sterile Processing in these states:
Connecticut | Delaware | New Jersey New York | Pennsylvania | Tennessee
These states are active for legislation or regulation:
Florida | Massachusetts | Minnesota
In the planning and data collection stages to begin the certification process
Not yet begun the legislative and/or DOH process
HSPA maintains that every patient deserves to have a certified Sterile Processing (SP) technician reprocessing his/her instruments and will actively promote laws and regulations to ensure certification of SP technicians at the state level.
Although HSPA now refers to instrument reprocessors as “Sterile Processing professionals,” the legislative language uses the terms “Central Service technicians” instead of “Sterile Processing technicians.” Both terms are synonymous/interchangeable.
Legal disclaimer: The Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) provides the information on this webpage and the documents contained herewith for informational purposes only and does not offer legal advice. HSPA recommends that individuals or healthcare facilities consult with their attorneys for answers to legal questions. The information on this webpage and the documents contained herewith should not be considered complete or exhaustive and may not reflect the most current information. As a result, HSPA does not represent that the information on this web page or the documents contained herewith are complete, accurate, and up to date.
2020 State Legislative Calendar | Governor Signing Deadlines |Glossary of Legislative Terms